Welcome to Yakutia
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the largest region of Russia. However, its population is below 1 million, that makes the region one of the least dense populated. About 40% of Sakha lies above the Arctic circle and all of it is covered by permafrost which greatly influences the region’s ecology and limits forests in the southern region. Arctic and subarctic tundra define the middle region, where lichen and moss grow as great green carpets and are favorite pastures for reindeer. In the southern part of the tundra belt, scattered stands of dwarf Siberian pine and larch grow along the rivers. Below the tundra is the vast taiga forest region. Sakha is one of the most riverine and lacustrine regions of Russia.
Yakutia is known for its climate extremes. Some of the lowest natural temperatures ever recorded have been here. It is usual that lowest temperatures reach —50 °C.
After the discoveries of diamond and gold deposits the industrial development of the Republic of Sakha has reached its peak. Nowadays Yakutia holds a high potential of natural resource availability.
Visa to Russia
The majority of countries require a visa to enter Russia. We will be issuing special invitations, required by the Russian embassies or consulates in other countries. We will help you with getting the visas and answer all arising questions. We will start the official visa application processes in late February.
Tourist information
Weather in May. It is expected that the temperature is around 5 °C above 0. Please dress appropriately for outdoor. The venues of the olympiad have a central heating system with room temperatures 22-25 °C.
Local time. Yakutsk is located in UTC+9.
Currency. Local currency is Russian ruble (RUR). Exchange rate is around 60 RUR for 1 USD. Major credit cards are accepted. ATM machines are available at the leaders hotel and throughout the city.
Insurance. Make sure to bring a valid medical insurance with you.
Water. Although, the water in Yakutsk is of good quality and is suitable for drinking, bottled natural spring water will be distributed among the participants and leaders.
Electricity. Russia operates on 220 volts, 50 cycles. Power sockets are of Type C and Type F.